Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Justin Bieber Tattoo!!

Wow.. This is the first Belieber that i know that got a Justin Bieber tattooed on her!!
That tattoo belongs to Mandy (@BeliebersEU via Twitter)!!
According to her that tattoo is not done yet as she cant take all the pain at one time.
Well Mandy.. I hope u're gonna twitpic us when its done!!


  1. its not the first.

  2. You are so dumb. You are really dumb.
    Gongratz for your future boyfriends/husband.
    I seriously hope it's not a real tattoo, or atleast not permanent. That's just.. no. A BIG NO.
    I'd understand a band name and stuff like that, since I myself got one years ago but that's a persons name ffs. A person who you don't even know! I can't even.. Just no.
    Kids should grow up before they get tattoos.

  3. Couldn't help but noticing how fake this tattoo is. Photoshop makes girls lie for attention.
    It is impossible to tattoo the exact proportions of this sketch like it is on her back. Not in that pose holding arm like that.
    Attention seeker

  4. Nice tattoo and simply awesome. I like this tattoo and design.

  5. Well not to mention that the tattoo is fake.. having a tattoo becoz ure too obsessed with someone or an artist is just simply stupid.. never tattoo name(s) of the person u admire,u will eventually notice how stupid u were 10 years from now =)

  6. This just shows how great his fans are:)...I have been a fan of Justin since 2007 and plan on getting his name tattooed on me or the same tattoo that he has on his hip, when I turn 18:)

  7. First off, FAKE.
    Secondly, in five years or so, when Bieber is a complete hasbeen, I'm sure she would be really ashamed of that decision, if she'd actually had the guts to get real ink.

  8. Wow what a dedicated Belieber :]
    You go girl!

  9. Check out this story: Justin Bieber Buys $6M Home In Gated Calabasas
